Accidents between an automobile and a pedestrian are common in Texas. Drivers are expected to be careful and avoid collisions with pedestrians by using proper precautions when they see a pedestrian on the road. Vehicles are supposed to stop for pedestrians on crosswalks, or unmarked crosswalks. In most cases, pedestrians have the right of way.

However, there are some instances when a pedestrian must yield to the driver. Pedestrians, like everyone on the road, should observe crosswalks and traffic signs. Pedestrians may cross when the walk sign is on. But, when traffic signals show a do-not-walk, wait, or red signal, pedestrians may not cross. If a crosswalk does not have traffic control signals, drivers should yield pedestrians the right-of-way. At a stop sign, the pedestrian has the right-of-way.

Sidewalk and Road Laws

In Texas law, when a sidewalk is available, it is illegal for pedestrians to walk directly on the road. They must use the available pedestrian path or sidewalk. Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on the road when the sidewalk is blocked by something like ongoing construction. Pedestrians are also allowed to walk on the road when there is no sidewalk but should keep to the far left side of the road.

Pedestrians should allow vehicles enough time before walking across the road to ensure safety, especially when the vehicle is speeding or very close to the pedestrian.

How Can I Protect Myself on The Road?

Making sure you adhere to Texas traffic laws as a pedestrian can help ensure your safety on the road. Additionally, it will ensure you are not found at fault if you do happen to be involved in an auto-pedestrian accident. 

If you like to jog or walk to work or school, there are some additional safety measures you can when traveling. Wearing bright clothing, especially at night, will make you more visible. Always look both ways before you cross the street, and be sure to check for traffic before you are stepping off a bus or out from behind parked vehicles.

What Can I Do if I’m Involved in an Auto-Pedestrian Accident?

Regardless of how responsible you are as a Texas pedestrian, it is still possible you may be hit by a negligent driver. At Hilley & Solis, we can help you get compensation after an accident. Contact one of our experienced personal injury attorneys today or call 210-446-5000 for a free consultation.
